Master Locksmith
32 years experience
IN shop & ROASDSIDE programming serviceS
Residential Locksmith Service
Your home is your castle, sanctuary, and your oasis. Home security starts with your locks. We offer a variety of residential locksmith services, re-keying your existing locks, removing old hardware, installing new hardware, and repairing locks that are failing. Don't wait for the mailman or the post office, we can replace mailbox locks. We have a menu of options for your residential needs. Or maybe you have a unique situation that needs expert locksmith advice. We know that our North County neighbors like to do things themselves, you are independent, we have solutions that will save you money.
Hoppe Hardware
Hoppe lock Service & Installation
We are knowledgeable about Hoppe lock service and installation. We have helped many residential customers with the Hoppe lock hardware when it stops working. Call us to schedule an appointment.